Hey, its: Wednesday, January 22

Orcas Today: Tuesday, November 21st

Free Coat Clinic
Tuesdays in November at 374 North Beach Road from 1:00-4:00pm or by appointment
The OCRC Free Coats Clinic has a simple and confidential sign-up available in the office.  Drop by on November 21 to fill out a short form – no income follow-up required.

After School Cooking with Rosemary Cadet
Tuesday/Thursday through November 30th from 3:30-5:00pm in the OHS Culinary Room
Ages 10-18, enrollment is $200.  Visit www.orcasparkandrec.org to register.

Adult Indoor Basketball
Tuesdays through December 19th in the Old Gym
Ages 35+ from 6:00-7:30pm, ages 18+ from 7:30-9:30pm.  $2 drop in fee.

County Council
District 1: Christine MinneyWebsite
District 2: Cindy WolfWebsite
District 3: Jamie StephensWebsite
State Representatives
Debra Lekanoff
(40th Rep. #1)
Alex Ramel
(40th Rep. #2)
Liz Lovelett
(40th Sen.)
Federal Representatives
Rick Larsen
(2nd Rep.)
Maria Cantwell
(US Sen.)
Patty Murray
(US Sen.)